Interview: Roger Loh and his new book on network marketing

This week I held a special interview with Roger Loh, author of his first book “Network Marketing Secrets Revealed.” I had the pleasure of contributing two pages on Personal Branding to his book as well. Roger, who I consider a leader in Network Marketing, has been a figurehead in his residence in Singapore. I had the opportunity to support Roger throughout his publishing journey and am pleased to say, after reading the entire book, that it was a success.

Here was the interview:

Me: Roger, do you think this book will help change either the minds or the actions of it’s readers?

Roger: Dan, that’s exactly what I hope to achieve, even right from the beginning of the book when I talked about “why washing your hair 3 times has anything to do with your network marketing business?” because I feel that everything start with our paradigm which is our way of looking at things. And I believe that the moment we shift our paradigms, things will be very different and our network marketing business will be a breeze rather than a chore.

Me: In 3 sentences or less, why should anyone pay to view this eBook?

Roger: That’s because I’ve approached the subject of network marketing with a fresh perspective and not the usual topics like how to choose a company, the products, the compensation plan. Instead, I’ve injected many real life examples, anecdotes and shared personal experiences to illustrate the insights in the book. I’ve also organized the information in an easy-to-read-and-understand manner, building up from the basics so as to build a strong foundation to prepare the reader for more advanced topics at the end.

Me: How do you feel your Personal Brand is highlighted in this book? What attributes or writing styles did you use that match your personality?

Roger: I used a highly conversational first person voice to communicate with the reader so that it feels as if I’m speaking to the reader on a personal basis. By doing so, rather than with a formal voice, I felt that I’ve projected my Personal Brand as someone who is helpful and willing to be a friend as well as walk the extra mile for others.

Me: In writing the book, did you have an audience in mind or do you feel anyone can benefit off of it?

Roger: I was thinking more about those who are ‘newbies’ in network marketing with just 2 to 3 years of experience or less. They will tend to benefit most as I hope to reduce their learning curve about human nature drastically to improve their business though I also hope that my sharing would also benefit some of the more advanced network marketers by
filling in some missing gaps for them at their stage of the journey.

Me: Has the completion of this book made you want to write a sequel?

Roger: Yes, I have some more advanced topics to share but as it would expand the book to beyond 200 pages, I felt that I would rather write a sequel than to squeeze everything into one book as ordinarily, a book in digital format is typically 50 to 80 pages long. My book has 145 pages which is already much longer than most ebooks.

Me: When marketing and communicating the message behind the book, do you find that you are in fact Network Marketing by writing a book on the topic?

Roger: That’s interesting, Dan but I never saw it that way. I did not write the book with the intention of doing network marketing but rather to share my experience, tips and secrets that I personally use and apply everyday to achieve my success so far. However, I believe that through this book, readers would know me as a person alot better than just one ‘faceless’ person as in the book cover.

Picture of Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin’s Press) and the #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan Publishing), which combined have been translated into 15 languages.


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