33 Personal Branding Lessons From Baseball Lore

You may be wondering what the heck does Personal Branding have to do with baseball.  I thought it would be fun to take a look at some of baseball’s best lessons and apply them to Personal Branding. They have more in common than you think.

33 Personal Branding Lessons From Baseball Lore

  • The best hitters are only successful 3 out of 10 times
  • Sometimes you will make a great catch
  • Sometimes you will make errors
  • You may only get one good pitch to hit a game — swing
  • You create credibility in the locker room and on the field
  • Some guys are only paid to hit or pitch — find a niche
  • Slumps happen — keep trying, keep moving forward
  • Sometimes you will hit a homerun
  • Sometimes you will strike out
  • You will strike out more often than you hit homeruns
  • You need to be mentally tough
  • Not everyone will think you’re good
  • Hard work, learning the game and practicing makes you better
  • It’s the work you put in after mandatory practice that makes the difference
  • Not every team is a fit for your style of game
  • You will have good games
  • You will have bad games
  • Know your competition’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses
  • Winning is the best feeling in the world
  • You will get hurt — get back on the field
  • You can’t win if you don’t play
  • The best players receive the most attention
  • The best players get paid the most
  • No one gives you permission to lead — just do it
  • Play with better players and you get better too
  • Leverage where you are to get to where you want to go
  • Be disciplined
  • Play with integrity
  • Coaches and mentors can help you reach a higher level of success
  • Don’t listen to the haters
  • You will have to make sacrifices
  • Keep your eye on the ball (for you Dad)

The best baseball players are not made overnight. They are made over years. The same is true with your Personal Brand.  But, here is the big idea — anyone can create a world class personal brand — you do not have to be born with a high level of athletic ability or skill.

Here’s the best news though. If you create your Personal Brand, promote it, and leverage it — you can change your life for the better within one year. I’m talking real change, even financial change.

I’ve done it, others have done it, and you can too.

What do you think of these 33 lessons and Personal Branding? Do you believe building your Personal Brand can create real financial change in your life?

Picture of Chad Levitt

Chad Levitt

Chad Levitt is the author of the New Sales Economy blog, which focuses on how Sales 2.0 & Social Media can help you connect, create more opportunities and increase your business. Chad is also the featured Sales 2.0 blogger at Sales Gravy, the number one web portal for sales pros, the professional athletes of the business world. During the day, Chad is an inside sales associate with EMC Corp., the global leader in information infrastructure technology & solutions, in their award winning sales development program. Chad attended the University of Central Florida for his undergraduate degree and Nova Southeastern University for his MBA with a concentration in finance.


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