There’s a thin line between being open and oversharing, especially when it comes to success.
Successful people, you see, have a knack for knowing what to keep under wraps. It’s not about hiding or being secretive. It’s about understanding the value of privacy.
In this piece, we’ll delve into the 10 things that successful folks always keep private. Not because they’re ashamed, but because they know that some things are better left unsaid.
Let’s get started.
1) Their income
Money talk can be a slippery slope, and high achievers know this better than anyone.
They understand that discussing their income or net worth can lead to unnecessary comparisons, resentment, or even exploitation.
It’s not about hoarding wealth or showing off. It’s about maintaining a sense of dignity and respect. After all, they didn’t achieve their success to become a bragging point or a target of envy.
When you’re networking or mingling with successful folks, remember that their financial status is typically a no-go zone.
It’s one of the unwritten rules they live by, and probably one of the reasons they maintain their success.
2) Their personal life
Let me share a little story with you. I once attended a networking event where I had the opportunity to meet some highly successful entrepreneurs. The conversations flowed around business strategies, market trends, and leadership. But one thing I noticed was that none of them delved into personal details.
They didn’t share about their family, their love life, or even their hobbies. It wasn’t because they were cold or standoffish. It’s because they understood the importance of boundaries.
By keeping their personal life private, they were able to maintain a professional image and avoid unnecessary judgments or assumptions.
From that day on, I realized that keeping some aspects of my life private wasn’t about being secretive, it was about maintaining professionalism and personal space in a world where everything seems to be shared on social media.
3) Their next move
When it comes to chess, the most successful players never reveal their next move. This strategy isn’t limited to the gameboard; it’s a tactic employed by highly successful people in their professional and personal lives too.
They understand the value of surprise and the element of unpredictability. This keeps them a step ahead and gives them a competitive edge. It’s also why many business strategies and product launches are often kept secret until the last moment.
So while curiosity may pique, successful individuals tend to keep their future plans and endeavors close to their chest. And often, this mystery only adds to their allure and success story.
4) Their failures
We often see the success stories, the triumphant moments, and the wins. But what we don’t usually see are the failures that paved the way to that success.
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Successful people have a firm grip on their narrative. They’ve learned that sharing their failures, missteps, or setbacks can sometimes lead to a skewed public perception. They’re not embarrassed about these experiences, they just understand that not everyone can see the value in failure as a stepping stone to success.
They know that failure is an integral part of their journey, but they often choose to keep these moments private, focusing on sharing their accomplishments and positive experiences instead. It’s not about painting an unrealistic picture of success, but about controlling their narrative in a world quick to judge.
5) Their daily routines
Successful people often have unique daily routines that contribute to their productivity and efficiency. However, these routines are usually kept private.
There’s a good reason for this. They understand that what works for them might not work for everyone else. They avoid setting unrealistic expectations or creating unnecessary competition in their social or professional circles.
They also value their personal time and habits, recognizing that these moments of solitude or specific routines are essential for their sanity and success. By keeping these details private, they maintain a sense of individuality and personal space in their busy lives.
6) Their struggles
Behind every successful person is a mountain of struggles, some of which are seldom shared with the world. These can range from mental health issues, personal crises, or even the sheer pressure of sustaining their success.
It’s not that they’re trying to portray a perfect life. It’s more about protecting their vulnerabilities in a world that often misinterprets struggle as weakness.
By keeping these struggles private, they allow themselves space to heal, grow, and overcome these challenges on their own terms. They understand that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes, and that strength truly comes from facing and overcoming these struggles, even if done privately.
7) Their sources of inspiration
I recall a time when I was curious to know what inspired a highly successful entrepreneur I admired. I presumed it could be a book, a mentor, or perhaps a life-altering experience. When I asked, he smiled and said, “I draw inspiration from the world around me, but the specifics, I prefer to keep private.”
It took me a while to understand why someone would keep such harmless information private. But over time, I realized that inspirations are deeply personal. They are reflections of our deepest desires, values, and dreams. By choosing to keep these sources private, successful people safeguard the raw and intimate triggers of their motivation.
It’s not about withholding information, but about preserving the sanctity of what truly drives them.
8) Their acts of kindness
You’d think that successful people would want to publicize their charitable acts or deeds of kindness. After all, it’s good PR, right? But you’d be surprised to learn that many successful individuals prefer to keep their philanthropy under the radar.
By not broadcasting their good deeds, they ensure that the focus remains on the act of giving, not on their generosity. It’s about making a difference, not making headlines.
This discreet approach to philanthropy speaks volumes about their character. It emphasizes that their success is not just about accumulating wealth, but about using that wealth to make a positive impact in the world around them.
9) Their long-term goals
When it comes to long-term goals, highly successful people often keep their cards close to their chest. They may share their vision or their mission, but the specific steps they intend to take in the long run are usually kept private.
They understand that the journey to success is often unpredictable, with many twists and turns. By keeping their long-term goals private, they allow themselves the flexibility to adapt, evolve and pivot as needed without having to manage external expectations or judgements.
The focus remains on the journey and the progress they make, rather than on a future goal post that might shift with time and experience. This approach allows them to navigate their path to success with agility and resilience.
10) Their self-care practices
In a world that often glamorizes the hustle culture, successful people understand the value of rest and self-care. But these practices are usually kept private.
They might meditate, journal, engage in therapy, or have specific health routines. These rituals are essential for their wellbeing and maintaining their success, but they’re often personal and unique to each individual.
The message here is clear: self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. And while it’s important to draw inspiration from successful individuals, remember that everyone has their own path and techniques for maintaining balance and success in their lives.
Final thoughts: The power of privacy
Societal norms often push us towards oversharing, especially in the age of social media. But there’s an inherent wisdom in the way successful people understand and navigate the concept of privacy.
Respecting boundaries, maintaining professionalism, and valifying individuality are key elements of their success. These are not mere tactics, but rather deeply ingrained values that have guided their journey and shaped their character.
So whether it’s keeping their income, personal life, or self-care practices private, they’re not just preserving their secrets but also reinforcing their success.
As we navigate our own paths to success, it’s worth reflecting on what we choose to share and what we choose to hold close. Remember, privacy isn’t about secrecy. It’s about cherishing and protecting what matters most.