10 classy phrases that make people instantly respect you, according to psychology

Respect isn’t always handed over on a silver platter. Sometimes, it comes down to the words you choose.

Psychology tells us that certain phrases can command instant respect from those around you. And no, it’s not about being pretentious or manipulative.

Instead, it’s about using language that shows your integrity, intelligence, and empathy. It’s about words that leave a lasting impression.

Here are 10 classy phrases you should start using today.

1) I understand…

Nobody likes to feel unheard or misunderstood. In fact, one of the most fundamental needs of a human being is to be understood.

Psychology tells us people gravitate towards those who make them feel seen and heard. It’s about empathy, one of the most potent tools in human relations.

“I understand…” is a simple but powerful phrase that assures someone you’re not just listening, but you’re also comprehending their point of view.

It shows respect for their thoughts and feelings, making them feel valued and respected.

But remember, this phrase only works when it’s sincere. So make sure when you say “I understand…”, you mean it.

2) Can I share something with you?

We all have our personal stories, experiences that have shaped us and made us who we are today. Sharing these experiences can create a sense of intimacy, trust and mutual respect.

For instance, I remember a time when I was leading a team on a challenging project. The pressure was high and the team was feeling it.

One day, I decided to share my own story of dealing with pressure and failure early in my career. I started with, “Can I share something with you?”

Sharing my experience, my vulnerabilities, not only brought me closer to my team but also fostered an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

This phrase isn’t just about sharing a story. It’s about showing your human side, showing that you’re not just a boss or a leader, but someone who has been through ups and downs just like them.

3) How can I support you better?

The key to gaining respect isn’t about asserting your power or showing off your achievements. It’s about showing a willingness to help and support others.

Asking “How can I support you better?” not only demonstrates your willingness to provide assistance but also shows your respect for their abilities and ideas.

Interestingly, a study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who offer support to others have higher self-esteem and emotional well-being.

This phrase, thus, not only makes others respect you but also boosts your own self-image. It’s a win-win.

4) I appreciate your perspective

In a world where differing opinions can lead to heated debates, being open-minded and respectful of other perspectives is a breath of fresh air.

When you say, “I appreciate your perspective,” you’re conveying that you value the other person’s thoughts and opinions. You’re showing that you’re willing to consider viewpoints different from your own, fostering an environment of respect and open communication.

Appreciating someone’s perspective doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with it. It simply means you respect their right to have their own point of view. This small phrase can make a big impact on how people perceive and respect you.

5) You’re right, I was wrong

Admitting when you’re wrong can be tough, but it’s a vital part of earning respect. It shows humility and the ability to accept your mistakes.

When you say, “You’re right, I was wrong,” you demonstrate that you value truth and fairness over your ego. You show that you’re willing to learn and grow, which are traits people deeply respect.

It’s not about being self-deprecating, but about being honest and accountable. And in the long run, this earns you more respect than stubbornly sticking to your guns when you’re clearly in the wrong.

6) I value your input

Let’s face it, we all want to feel valued and appreciated, especially when it comes to our ideas and opinions.

When you say, “I value your input,” it’s more than just a phrase. It’s an acknowledgement of the person’s worth. It’s telling them that their thoughts and ideas matter to you.

This phrase taps into the human desire to be acknowledged and appreciated. It creates a sense of belonging and respect, making people feel that they are an important part of the conversation.

When you’re in a discussion, remember to let others know that their input is not just heard, but valued.

7) I trust your judgement

Trust is a powerful catalyst for respect. When you trust someone’s judgement, you’re placing your faith in their abilities, knowledge, and experience.

I remember a time when I was working on a complex project with a team member who was relatively new. Despite his lack of experience, he showed exceptional problem-solving skills. One day, I told him, “I trust your judgement.”

This simple phrase demonstrated my faith in his abilities and boosted his confidence. It created a bond of mutual respect between us, which led to better collaboration and productivity.

Don’t hesitate to tell people when you trust their judgement. It can have a profound impact on how they perceive and respect you.

8) I don’t know, let’s find out

In a world that prizes knowledge and expertise, admitting that you don’t know something can seem like a weakness. But, surprisingly, it can actually increase respect.

“I don’t know, let’s find out” is a phrase that shows you’re not afraid to admit your limitations. It demonstrates your curiosity and eagerness to learn new things.

More importantly, it shows your willingness to collaborate and discover together. It encourages an environment of shared learning, which can foster mutual respect and admiration.

9) Thank you for your patience

In our fast-paced world, patience is a virtue that’s often overlooked. But acknowledging and appreciating someone’s patience can earn you respect.

When you say, “Thank you for your patience,” you’re acknowledging the other person’s time and effort. You’re showing them that you value and appreciate their understanding.

This phrase shows your consideration and respect for others’ time. It’s a small but effective way to foster a respectful relationship.

10) I respect your decision

At the end of the day, respect is about honoring other people’s choices and decisions. Whether it’s a professional choice or a personal one, showing respect for someone’s decision is paramount.

When you say, “I respect your decision,” you’re acknowledging their autonomy and right to make their own choices.

This phrase can serve as a powerful testament to your regard for others’ independence and individuality, earning you their respect in return.

The power of language

Our words carry an immense power. They have the ability to shape perceptions, evoke emotions, and build or break relationships.

When it comes to garnering respect, the phrases we’ve discussed are more than just words. They are reflections of your character, your empathy, your humility, and your respect for others.

Earning respect isn’t about being dominant or assertive. It’s about showing genuine regard for others’ thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown


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