Increase Sales for Your Personal Brand with Pinterest and Instagram

shutterstock_288019274Attracting a mobile audience through social media is an important part of building your personal brand. Once you’ve captured new followers the opportunities for sales is even better with buy buttons coming onto the scene with Pinterest and Instagram.

Both of these major social networks attract a large audience, which makes these a must for brands. With the right message and offer in place the opportunity for more exposure online is huge.

Staying on top of the latest ad offerings on Pinterest and Instagram can be effective in getting your brand new warm leads, who are ready to buy. An appealing post with a strong call to action will help your company stand out once the official buy buttons are released to businesses.

Here are several ways your brand can benefit from these two social networks:

  • Reach a global audience. Branding with Pinterest and Instagram allows you to tap into a much larger market in your niche. Imagine your message being sent to followers from all over the world. The buying potential is strong when you are active and engaged on these networks.
  • Encourages instead of sells – Because of the interest driven nature of these two social media outlets your brand does not need to sell directly. A simple call to action feature simply allows for what is already appealing to your followers to be easily purchased by them.
  • Better focus on the needs of your target market – Once your personal brand gets a few buyable posts going on Pinterest and Instagram you will be able to narrow your focus even more on exactly who is interested in your products or services. Instagram in particular will have the option of integrating their new feature with Facebook Ads, which means you can sell with greater interest and less waste in your advertising budget.
  • Mobile sales are growing – While social media is driven by conversation it is also a magnet for mobile users to find the products and services they need. Pinterest has especially taken notice of this trend, and reveals that sales have climbed in U.S. in the last couple of years by 140% from mobile users.

Use Pinterest and Instagram as a way to bring more leads to your personal brand for greater conversions. Prepare now for the anticipated release of their new buying features by building your community and posting quality images and videos that attract an audience. As social media moves forward in the mobile sales realm your brand will be able to gain more exposure as you tap into a growing market.


Picture of Susan Gilbert

Susan Gilbert

Susan Gilbert uses her laser focus knowledge to coach and provide online marketing and social sharing programs for authors, speaker, experts and small businesses. She is the author and publisher of several books including “The Land of I Can,” and “KLOUT SCORE: Social Media Influence, How to Gain Exposure and Increase Your Klout,” Susan combines online marketing with strategic thinking to create successful programs. Working most often with authors and entrepreneurs, she understands promotion at a personal level as a regularly quoted resource in USA Today, Entrepreneur, Inc. Magazine and many more. Follow her Digital Marketing Tips at her blog:


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