After the success of my first list of personal branding experts to follow on Twitter, here’s the followup:
- Nance Rosen, @nancerosen
- Mohammed Al-Taee, @maltaee
- Harp Arora, @harparora
- Jan Melnik, @janmelnik
- Catherine Kaputa, @CatherineKaputa
- Cindy Kraft, @CFOCoach
- Deb Dib, @CEOCoach
- Gayle Howard, @GayleHoward
- Andy Robinson, @AndyInNaples
- Jason Alba, @jasonalba
- Jann Watt, @jannwatt
- Kim Batson, @CIO_Coach
- Krishna De, @krishnade
- Lauren Still, @laurenstill
- Lida Citroen, @LIDA360
- Louise Kursmark, @LouiseKursmark
- Mark Montoya, @markmontoya
- Michael Loban, @ideserveajob
- Mike Myatt, @mikemyatt
- Paul Copcutt, @paulcopcutt
- Phyllis Shabad, @phyllisshabad
- Rachel Gogos, @RachelGogos
- Randi Bussin, @myreinventure
- Ryan Rancatore, @RyanRancatore
- Susan Guarneri, @susanguarneri
- Tajdar O. Chaudry, @TajdarOC
- Walter Akana, @WalterAkana
- Karsten Füllhaas, @kfuellhaas (Switzerland – mostly in German)
- Ulrike Berlenbach, @Nussknackerin (Germany – German & English tweets)
- Mario Grobholz, @mariogrobholz (Germany – tweets in German)
How to quickly follow them all
Use Twitterator.
Enter your Twitter username and password, and then copy and paste the below url of a file containing the above experts’ Twitter usernames for your easy following:
After you click Submit, Twitterator will get to work and the following process usually takes 1-2 minutes. If Twitterator gives you an error message (usually something about “Python”), just ignore it.
Jacob Share, a job search expert, is the creator of JobMob, one of the biggest blogs in the world about finding jobs. Follow him on Twitter for job search tips and humor.