Direct Sellers: Customer Service is Your Brand
Many companies of today focus so much on the sales and advertising, and in marketing their brand that they forget one very important part of it – their customer service. And though these other things are extremely important, they should also make sure to pay attention to customer service, since this is what makes customers …
How to Find SEO Low-Hanging Fruit
Every marketer is looking for a niche, or an angle. From the basement affiliate to the Fortune 500 CMO, we share that in common.
With 10 years and counting as an SEO, it feels like a never-ending quest to uncover something that the competition isn’t giving the proper attention to. Or a new niche to …
A Dirty Little Secret About Link Sharing
Hubspot recently reported new research on link sharing, conducted by link-shortener, bitly. According to their findings, links posted on Twitter, Facebook and those posted directly (email and instant messages) all have one thing in common–the activity associated with them peaks at about three hours. After those three hours, link activity begins to decline. FYI: YouTube’s …
This Isn’t Your Grandfather’s Work Schedule
Since I can remember, we’ve been preconditioned to think that being legitimate as a working professional is to work one job at one company from 9am to 5pm, 40 hours a week.
Well, the time has effectively come to challenge what we know on that topic for our own professional self-worth, if not out of …
Three Secrets to Build Your Personal Branding Success Overnight
We all do it. We all have someone we set our sights on as the goal we strive for. We have one person we aspire to be like, whether it’s achieving their level of success, their number of publications, their level of speaking engagements, or even beating their Klout score.
Our whole reason for personal …
Personal Branding in an ‘Enterprise 2.0’ World
The progressive implementation of Web 2.0 technologies is ushering a new era for the world of business and work.
About time, I hear you say. For, as forward management thinkers like the celebrated author Gary Hamel have denounced, the majority of XXI century organizations still apply leadership and organizational models that were created almost a …
Almost Famous: Brand Building in the Music Industry
Building a musical empire from scratch is a tall order. For every Lady Gaga, there are millions of other stories of talented yet incredibly eclectic artists who ended up – well – just incredibly eclectic. So what is the differentiator? What steps need to be taken to bring someone from talent to fame?
To find …
The ZEN of Business and Branding Success
I consider myself a “spiritual entrepreneur.” Someone who deeply cares about giving back to the community, people, and world that supports me. It’s just great Karma and Zen.
If you ask me how all this intangible stuff works, I will tell you it just does.
There is something about putting the right energy and intent …
LinkedIn Allows Job Seekers to Leverage Volunteer Experience
In a new study recently conducted by LinkedIn, 41% of professionals surveyed stated they consider volunteer work equally as valuable as paid work experience. This comes as great news to the 14 Million plus full-time job seekers. “Given the current economic climate and the hypercompetitive job market, it’s essential to include your volunteer work on …
Multi-Channel Marketing for Your Personal Brand
Deliver Magazine’s recent feature on integrated marketing methods hits home for those of us marketing our personal brands to today’s “always-on” consumers.
Whether you’re looking to increase awareness of your personal brand, drive traffic to your website, increase opt-ins, or find new leads, success lies in creating a compelling, consistent message and approaching your audience …