4th Quarter Job Search Success Tips
Fall brings crisp leaves, apple cider, kids in costumes, families around holiday tables and a drop in job search. For some reason all these things are great except that last one. Why is it that job seekers, both employed and unemployed, relax their search efforts during the 4th Quarter?
Regardless of the reason why, here …
Small Businesses and Direct Sellers: Don’t Get Lost in Facebook Time
For most social networking sites, it’s all about real-time interaction and what’s currently going on with your lives. After all, it’s the present that’s important, right? Who cares what happened a year ago, or even 5 years before that?
But sometimes, it’s important to look back at your past to see how far you’ve come …
Your #1 Competitor is Status Quo
Here’s the news we’ve all been avoiding: your customers really don’t care about you and your product or service.
Here’s the other big piece of news: Most of your customers are satisfied with their status quo.
Forrester recently asked hundreds of executive buyers and decision-makers this question: “How do you make buying decisions?”
65% of…Let’s Focus More on Human Behavior, Less on Algorithms
Over the last week or so, I’ve read a lot about posts from people trying to decipher what a statistical algorithm means about their influence and credibility.
“Oh no. Klout says I’m a 49 but I thought I was a 55.”
“My score went down. Should I be on Facebook more? Will Klout like me …
Reverse SEO May Save Your Personal Brand’s Bacon
We’ve all done some stupid stuff in our lives. Some of it was even recorded. And if you’re really (un)lucky, some of that has even been put online for everyone to see.
Maybe it was a youthful indiscretion. Maybe it was someone catching you off-guard. Maybe it was that time you stupidly posted eight different …
Your Brand Under Attack: When ‘Goodyism’ Doesn’t Pay
Nothing can be more precious to many of us than our personal brands, since they are often the result of sound strategy, countless positive interactions with others both online and offline and a proven record of delivering quality service to our clients and the community. However – and as our editor Maria Duron pointed out …
Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #13
Responses to recent tweets by people about personal branding and Gen-Y, Twitter, presentations and lack of focus.
Audrey Xiong, @Audrey_Xiong, tweeted: why do we need personal branding?
Jacob Share, @jacobshare: To build your value in the eyes of others.
Personal branding has always existed, it just wasn’t always called that.
Take job search, for example.…
Still Job Hunting Online, Never Hearing Back? Try This!
If you are the typical job hunter in today’s job market, I strongly suspect that you are among the legions of those who are doing the same things over and over and still expecting different results. (Isn’t that the true definition of “insanity”?!) What I’m referring to here concerns going to the job boards to …
Personal Branding Is Not A Hobby
Building your personal brand is not easy. Beyond all the hype and success stories that you read and hear about, it is a grind. I often compare it to trying to find a light switch in a dark room that is unfamiliar to you. It will certainly make you second-guess yourself as you often wonder …
Shape and Move Business Anytime With These 5 Fundamentals!
One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.” – Lucille Ball
The truth and reality of any cycle is a combination of negative, challenging realities, but also positive, inspiring and encouraging trends that come …