Tag: Personal Branding

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Three Advanced Personal Branding Techniques

Most of you reading this are beyond the “start a blog, get on Twitter” advice for personal branding. Way beyond it. Hell, if you found this site, you’re already on Twitter, you rock out Facebook, and you know how your Klout score is trending. but still have to look at your license plate to remember …

Relationships & Personal Growth

5 Areas That Can Reinvent, Reimagine and Reinvigorate Your Business!

As one year comes to the finish line and another gets ready to launch, reviewing our process, what key trends emerged and where they are going are essential for planning a sustainable strategy for success.

Some of the business and career trends that emerged and developed this year were focused around new technologies and platforms(mobile, …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

3 Considerations When Embarking on A New Path

After several years at a job, it’s common for people to contemplate a new position within their organization, leave the company for something new or even strike out on their own to try their hand in an entrepreneurial stint.

The reasons for their changes often include dissatisfaction with the current organizational culture, lack of promotion, …