5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving for a Job
Moving to a new city for a job is a major decision and commitment. Some people decide to relocate for a better opportunity, while others are just looking for a new experience. However, uprooting your life for a job doesn’t always work out like you planned. Before making any kind of decision, you should think …

3 Types of Communication While in Transition
Certainly, the cliché “It’s not what you know but whom you know” is often true. However, when people are in transition, I would add “but while in transition, who knows you is more important” because you are the one who needs a job, and if people cannot find you, your job search will be unnecessarily …

The Importance of Focusing While in Transition
I for one fully understand those in transition. I’ve been there at times myself–and for way too long. Life for the unemployed is hugely confusing. The quasi life equilibrium that used to exist before the transition period has been lost. And everybody you know seems to want to be helpful by giving you (nonprofessional) advice, …

What’s Important – Really Important In a Job Interview
So, finally, the phone rings and the caller ID displays the name of a company you sent your résumé to. The caller is from the company’s human resources department and wants to schedule you for an in-person interview. Fantastic, this is music to your ears, but what now? Are you prepared? Do you have time …

Introductions Is Key for Employment
This title is all about networking. When I take my walks, I observe groups of teenagers waiting at street corners for their school buses. Two things are common to these groups. The kids are not talking to each other, and the majority of them have their ears plugged with earbuds. They choose to live in …

Why is Age Discrimination an Issue In Job Search?
Many of my clients are concerned that their older age may be a deterrent to their ability to compete for jobs in the current economic climate. Their concerns are valid.
While age discrimination is illegal, we all know it exists. So, what can a job candidate do about it? Answers can fall into three relevant …

What Does It Really Take to Get a Job?
Itzhak Perlman was interviewed by Charlie Rose, who asked Perlman what he looks for when selecting those few special Juilliard School students he wishes to work with. Years before, he himself was a student at Juilliard. “Is it skills or talent?” Rose asked. Perlman’s answer was that talent is not easily defined and that certainly …

What are the Two Steps to a Great Job?
The statement expressed in the title sounds so simple yet for some is difficult to achieve. So let’s together demystify the two steps for getting a job offer.
The Résumé
Because of the enormously large pool of job applicants nowadays, even a very good résumé may not get singled out when compared with the many …

7 Things to Consider Before Relocating for a Job
Everyone ends up in an intense job hunt at some point in their life, no matter what their career path is. Jobs come and go, so looking for the right one can take some time. You’ve got to think about how much money you’ll earn, what you’ll be doing, and if the position will be …

Where Should I Post My Resume?
People in transition or those who contemplate making a job change should not start dispersing their résumés all over the place before those résumés are up to snuff. I know that people in transition are very eager to get back in the game, to restore their (temporarily) lost identity, and to restart the flow of …