Up Your Personal Brand Game
I was reading an article today about the two tech giants Google and Microsoft. The article focused on how Microsoft may be positioning itself to make a play in the highly competitive search marketplace.
Dominance and perseveranceGoogle was referred to as having market dominance. Microsoft was referred to as having perseverance. Clearly, the article …
Personal Branding Adds New Angst to Getting Married
It’s that time of year again. Spring is in the air and the wedding invites are in the mailbox. And, I don’t know about you, but my friends are dropping like flies.
All this wedding mania has made me think though: how does getting married affect your personal brand.
Right now, there are a lot …
How to Measure Your Personal Brand
Today I was going to write a post about different ways to measure your personal brand. Then I realized, there is only one way that we all measure our own personal brands: through how we stack up to competitors.
Don’t believe me? See for yourself.How do you measure your personal brand on twitter? Through …
Personal Branding Tip: Get Your Bio Ready
Over the past week, I’ve been helping put together a teleseminar series with a bunch of experts. One of the things I’ve needed from them is a 70 word bio – and let’s just say that getting it has been a lot like herding cats.
The problem isn’t with them though. I’m just as guilty. …
How to Create Your Personal Brand — Part 1
My post last Saturday, highlighted how I built my personal brand from scratch and the opportunities that followed. For today’s post, I want to focus on how you can get started building your personal brand so you can receive some awesome opportunities as well.
What’s required to begin building your personal brand?First, let me …
Should Personal Branding Take a Page from Celebrity Branding?
I live and work in Los Angeles, the capital of “The Star System”. Yes, it’s true – the method of creating and promoting stars in Hollywood used to be known “The Star System”. It started with the movie studios in the 1920s and 30s. Studios would select talented actors and create roles for them, complete …
Think Like a Brand: CEOs in Times of Crisis
Tom Peters asked employees of large companies to “think like a CEO” as they branded themselves within the organization in the late 1990s. The idea was to contribute to the company in a way that helped you stand out, and helped you take control of your own brand and destiny within your career. The concept …
How Not to be a Walking Billboard
If you’ve been to a big city lately, there’s a good chance you’ve seen someone standing on a street corner wearing a sandwich board. Usually, they’re advertising a restaurant that is a little off the beaten path, or a sale, or even a place that sells gold… cheap!
And, if you’ve been to a networking …
You Don’t Need to be an Expert to Build Your Personal Brand
According to my blog archives, I have been blogging for exactly 1 year. For an entire year I have been trying to build my personal brand equity through video interviews, a video documentary, and getting publicized throughout the internet.
Looking back, there are a lot of things that I feel I could have done better. …
Mid-Career Personal Branding is Critical!
I recently spoke to a group of mid-career executives about personal branding….and they looked at me with puzzlement – personal branding – at this stage of my career? What they’re thinking is “I’ve never used personal branding, and I’ve gotten this far without it…” They nodded their heads during my talk, but I think …