Confidence in Your Personal Brand
“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” Brian Tracy
If you don’t know who Brian Tracy is, you owe it to yourself to find out. I am a huge fan of sales and motivational speakers and Brian Tracy is one of the best.
The Role…Focus on What’s Next
Last week, at the World Innovation Forum, the words of one speaker really stuck with me.
“I don’t care about best practices,” said CK Pralahad, author of The New Age of Innovation. “I’m much more interested in next practices.”
By ‘best practices”, Pralahad was referring to the management practice of trying to squeeze every little …
Why Being Known as a Change Agent Can Add Significant Value to Your Personal Brand
Are you good at handling change? Or do you prefer to hide under the covers hoping change will leave you alone?
In one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, one prisoner takes a knife to a fellow inmate’s throat, hoping that committing another crime will extend his decades-long tenure behind bars rather than force …
Two Questions About Personal Branding Issues
Here are two posts that caught my eye this week. Neither was about personal branding, but both raised questions about personal branding that are worth discussing. What do you think?
If you want to be successful, be worth sharing by Jamie VaronDo we damage our personal brands by overdoing the self-promotion? Jamie Varon writes, …
Use Your Blogger Status to Promote Your Brand at Conferences
This week, I’m an official blogger at the World Innovation Forum in New York City. To tell you the truth, I’m really excited–not only because the conference has some pretty awesome speakers and because I’ll get to meet people from a top innovation consultancy–but also because this is a great, great opportunity to promote my …
Success Story: How Bernard Lachance’s Creative Personal Branding Got Him on Oprah
Bernard Lachance is a French-Canadian singer who had a dream and achieved it with a creative personal branding strategy.
He tells it best:
10 lessons we can learn from Bernard Lachance’s inspirational success<
Believe in yourself<
Bernard had no agent, manager or promoter when he decided to rent the Chicago Theatre for his show. …
How to Translate What You Do Into What’s In It For Others
Ever feel like you’re speaking a completely different language when you’re relaying your branding message or elevator pitch to others? Even when you deliver it coherently without stumbling over your words, something seems to be lost in the translation because people just aren’t “getting it?”
What’s often lost in the translation, what others aren’t understanding …
‘Miss California’ Personal Branding Winners and Losers
I live in Los Angeles and I’m a native Californian. I love living here – I was born in Southern California, where I live now. I’ve also lived in San Francisco – what a magnificent city! As a Californian, my ears perked up when I saw out of the corner of my eye last week …
How To Transition or Expand Your Brand to Two Topics
I have a dilemma. I have a blog about Gen Y topics with nearly 1000 subscribers. I started a new blog about marketing and consumer insights this week, and I am worried about transitioning my personal brand. My second blog is far more important than my first one because it’s the platform for my company, …
Not Getting Traction with Your Personal Brand?
During one of the funniest episodes of Seinfeld’s final season, George tells Jerry he’s tired of his name and wants to find a nickname that makes people light up.
“I’m thinking T-Bone,” says George.
“But there’s no T in your name!” exclaims Jerry.
Not surprisingly, when George …