Andrew Keshner Pivots to IRA CDs: Tax Implications Explored

"Pivots IRA CDs"

In August 2022, seasoned investor Andrew Keshner sold his real estate holdings to fund Individual Retirement Account Certificates of Deposit (IRA CDs), surprising those in his circles. Keshner’s move marked a strategic pivot toward retirement savings for the long haul.

Ruminating on the possible tax implications of withdrawing from an IRA CD, Keshner is unsure whether taxes will particularly apply to the accrued interest or extend to the principal too. His payout is estimated at about $11,000 inclusive of interest. His aim is to comprehend the tax liabilities fully before making the withdrawal.

Conventional CDs are taxed on interest-only by the IRS, but Brian Kearns, a financial advisory founder, cautions that if one dips into an IRA CD for personal consumption rather than reinvesting it in a new IRA CD, income tax applies to both the interest and the principal. Kearns underlines considerations in future financial needs when planning such moves.

Michelle Jann, from Goelzer Investment Management, alerts to a probable issue with annual contribution limits that may occur if the full sum of $11,000 had been invested since 2022, potentially leading to penalties. Terminology surrounding CDs inside an IRA and IRA CDs can be confusing, and thus the value of tax professionals to steer clear of potential pitfalls is vital.

Jann, along with other financial experts such as Monica and Richard, stresses the importance of professional guidance in untangling complex financial issues and making informed decisions. Monica advises understanding the difference between ETFs, traded on stock exchanges, and mutual funds, managed by financial professionals. Richard though emphasizes the disparity between stocks and bonds.

Investing in IRA CDs comes with its implications. Jann suggests considering partial distribution with the remnants reinvested into a new IRA CD. Importantly, taxes kick in when funds are withdrawn. However, early withdrawal penalties could occur if funds are withdrawn before the CD matures.

All experts echo an overarching need for sound financial knowledge and taking counsel from professionals to avoid potential pitfalls and optimize returns.

Picture of Amna Faryad

Amna Faryad


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