8 things successful people do when they’re not at work

There’s a clear distinction between being successful and just being busy.

Success isn’t about cramming as many tasks into your day as possible. It’s about finding balance, even when you’re not on the clock.

Successful people understand this, and they make the most out of their time away from work. It’s not just about relaxation – it’s about growth, improvement, and personal fulfillment.

So, what exactly are these individuals doing when they’re not punching the clock?

Let’s dive into the 8 things successful people do when they’re not at work.

1) They prioritize self-care

Successful people understand the value of a sound mind and body.

The grind of work can wear anyone down, and those at the top aren’t exempt. But here’s what sets them apart – they know how crucial it is to take care of themselves outside of work hours.

They eat well, exercise regularly, get sufficient sleep and make time for relaxation and hobbies. They grasp the importance of maintaining their mental health too, with practices like meditation or simply spending time in nature.

This isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. It helps them recharge, focus better and ultimately, be more productive when they are at work.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So take a leaf out of the successful person’s book and invest time in self-care.

2) They never stop learning

I have always admired those who never cease to learn, and it’s a common trait I’ve seen in many successful individuals.

For instance, despite having a hectic schedule as a writer, I make it a point to read extensively and continually educate myself. It’s not just about work-related topics; I delve into a wide range of subjects, from history to science to fiction.

And it’s not only about reading. I take online courses, attend webinars and workshops, anything that could broaden my horizons and introduce me to new ideas.

This pursuit of knowledge keeps me sharp, inspires creativity and helps me stay ahead in my field. It’s a habit that has not only contributed to my success but also enriched my life in countless ways.

From what I’ve observed, successful people understand that learning is a lifelong journey. They’re always on the lookout for opportunities to grow and improve, even when they’re not at work.

3) They value personal relationships

Despite the common perception that highly successful individuals are workaholics, they actually place a high value on their personal relationships. Be it family, friends, or a significant other, they understand the importance of nurturing these bonds.

Research from Harvard University, which studied people over a span of 75 years, concluded that strong personal relationships are the key to happiness and longevity.

Successful people tend to build and maintain strong connections with their loved ones and friends. They realize that success is not just about wealth or career achievements, but also about leading a fulfilling and balanced life. And personal relationships play a crucial role in creating that balance.

4) They set personal goals

Success isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. It’s about setting and achieving goals, both in work and personal life.

Successful people understand this. They don’t just have career ambitions; they have personal goals too. Be it learning a new language, running a marathon, or mastering a musical instrument, these objectives give them something to strive for outside of work.

These goals help them grow as individuals, allow them to explore their interests and passions, and introduce a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction into their lives that extends beyond their professional achievements.

Setting personal goals is a powerful way to keep motivated and focused, even when you’re not at work. It’s about living life to the fullest and making the most out of every moment.

5) They give back to the community

Success, for many, isn’t just about personal gain. It’s also about making a positive impact and giving back to the community.

Successful people often use their influence and resources to contribute to causes they care about. This could be anything from volunteering at local shelters, donating to charities, or using their platform to raise awareness about social issues.

Giving back is not just about helping others; it also nurtures a sense of fulfillment and purpose in the giver. It’s a reminder that success isn’t measured solely by what we achieve for ourselves, but also by what we do for others.

Philanthropy and community involvement show that even when they’re not at work, successful individuals strive to make a difference in the world around them. It’s a testament to their character and values, and it’s truly inspiring.

6) They embrace downtime

There was a time when I believed that every minute of my day needed to be filled with productive activities. But I soon realized that this was leading to burnout and affecting my overall well-being.

Successful people get it. They understand the importance of downtime. This could mean different things for different people – it could be curling up with a good book, spending time in nature, practicing meditation, or simply sitting quietly with their thoughts.

This time allows them to disconnect, recharge, and come back stronger. It provides space for reflection and introspection, which often leads to fresh insights and ideas.

In our fast-paced world, embracing downtime can feel counterintuitive. But it’s an essential part of maintaining our mental health and enhancing our creativity and productivity. So don’t shy away from taking a break – it’s not wasted time; it’s an investment in yourself.

7) They plan for the future

Successful people don’t just live in the present. They have a clear vision of where they want to be in the future, and they plan accordingly.

This could mean setting up a retirement fund, investing in real estate, or creating a succession plan for their business. It could also involve personal plans, like saving for a dream vacation or planning family events.

Planning for the future ensures that they’re prepared for whatever comes their way. It gives them a sense of direction and helps them make decisions that align with their long-term goals.

By thinking ahead and making conscious choices, successful people ensure that they’re not just reacting to life as it happens, but actively shaping their future.

8) They practice gratitude

At the heart of success, you’ll often find a deep sense of gratitude.

Successful people understand the value of appreciating what they have. They take time to reflect on their achievements, the opportunities they’ve been given, and the people who’ve supported them along the way.

Practicing gratitude keeps them grounded. It creates a positive mindset and fosters resilience, enabling them to deal with challenges more effectively.

Remember, success isn’t just about achieving your goals. It’s about appreciating the journey, acknowledging your progress, and being thankful for each step that brings you closer to your dreams.

Final thoughts: Success is multidimensional

Success is not a monolith; it evolves and takes on different forms for different people. Yet, one common thread among successful people is their ability to harmonize their professional and personal lives.

They understand that their time away from work is just as important as the hours they put in at the office. They prioritize self-care, nurture relationships, set personal goals, give back to the community, and never stop learning.

Perhaps one of the most vital takeaways is that successful people aren’t defined solely by their work. They are multifaceted individuals who understand that real success permeates every aspect of life.

So as you reflect on your own journey towards success, remember: it’s not just about what you’re achieving at work, but also about how you’re growing, contributing, and finding fulfillment outside of it.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


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