10 signs people secretly think you’re a difficult person to be around

There’s a fine line between being assertive and being difficult.

Assertiveness is about standing up for yourself, while being difficult can often feel like you’re standing in the way of others. The tricky part? People might not always tell you that they find you tough to be around.

So, how do you tell if you’re the person people secretly find difficult? Well, there are some tell-tale signs to look out for.

In this article, I’ll share 10 signs that might suggest people find you a bit hard to handle. It’s not about shaming or blaming, but rather, it’s about understanding and maybe tweaking a few things for better relationships.

Let’s dive in.

1) People avoid you

Ever noticed how people seem to inexplicably disappear when you walk into a room? Or how your attempts to join a conversation are often met with hasty topic changes and awkward silence?

This could be a sign that they find you difficult to be around. People often avoid direct confrontation and instead choose subtle ways – like avoiding the person altogether, to steer clear of potential discomfort.

Now, don’t jump to conclusions right away. We all have off days where our social interactions are less than stellar. But if this is a recurring theme in your life, it might be time to reflect on your behavior.

Understanding the problem is the first step to fixing it.

2) They’re always “busy”

I remember a time when I was trying to organize a get-together with some friends. Every time I proposed a date, there was always someone who was “too busy”.

“Sorry, I’ve got a thing that day,” they’d say, or “Oh, I’d love to but I’m just swamped right now.”

At first, I brushed it off. But then I started to notice a pattern. It was always the same people who were “too busy”, no matter what date or time I suggested.

That’s when it hit me – they weren’t too busy, they were avoiding spending time with me. It wasn’t easy to accept, but it was an important wake-up call that something about my behavior was making people uncomfortable.

When people constantly have excuses not to spend time with you, it could be a sign that they secretly find you difficult to be around. It’s a subtle way of distancing themselves without having to directly confront the issue.

3) Lack of eye contact

Eye contact is a key part of human communication. It’s how we express sincerity, interest, and trustworthiness. However, when people find someone difficult to be around, they often avoid making eye contact.

Pople who are viewed as difficult or unlikable receive significantly less eye contact from others. This is a subconscious way we distance ourselves from those we find challenging to interact with.

If you notice that people rarely meet your gaze when talking to you, it might be a sign that they find your presence uncomfortable. It’s not an absolute rule, but it’s certainly something to consider.

4) Short and curt responses

Communication is a two-way street. It’s not just about what you say, but also how others respond to you. If you’re often met with short, curt responses, it might be a red flag.

Responses like “Sure,” “Okay,” or “Fine” without any further elaboration can indicate disinterest or discomfort. People might be trying to end the conversation quickly because they find it hard to interact with you.

Again, it’s important not to jump to conclusions. We all have our off days where we’re less communicative. But if it’s a consistent pattern, it might be worth reflecting upon.

5) They seem relieved when you leave

Ever noticed a sigh of relief when you exit a room? Or maybe the conversation suddenly picks up again, the atmosphere becoming noticeably lighter?

This could be an indication that people find you difficult to be around. It’s not something anyone would ever say to your face, but it’s a nonverbal cue that can speak volumes.

No one likes to feel like they’re the party pooper. But recognizing these signs gives you the chance to make changes and improve your relationships with those around you.

6) Few personal invitations

Connecting with others often includes sharing personal moments, like house parties, movie nights, or just casual hangouts. But if you can’t remember the last time you received a personal invitation, it might be a sign that people find you difficult.

This doesn’t mean you’re unlikable or unworthy of friendship. It simply suggests that something about your behavior might be pushing others away. Accepting this can be tough, but it’s the first step towards positive change.

Everyone has the potential to grow and improve their social skills.

7) You’re often the last to know

I recall a time when I found out about a close friend’s engagement through social media, despite meeting her just a day before. I felt hurt and confused, wondering why she didn’t share the big news with me personally.

It was a wake-up call. I realized that if I wasn’t being included in important updates, it might be because people were hesitant to share personal news with me. This could potentially indicate they find me difficult to be around.

If you often find yourself out of the loop on significant happenings, it might be worth considering whether your interactions with others could be contributing to this situation.

8) You’re always right

It might seem like a good thing – always winning arguments, having the final say, being the one with the solutions. But if people rarely challenge your views or disagree with you, it could be a sign that they find you difficult.

Instead of engaging in healthy debate, they might prefer to agree quickly or not voice their opinion at all to avoid potential conflict. Reflect on your conversations and see if this pattern emerges – it could be an opportunity for growth.

9) Lack of personal sharing

Sharing personal stories, emotions, and experiences is a fundamental part of human connection. If you notice that people tend to keep conversations surface-level with you, it might be a sign they find you difficult to be around.

They might be hesitant to open up, fearing judgment, criticism, or negative reactions. This lack of deeper connection can indicate that they’re not comfortable around you. It’s a subtle sign, but an important one to pay attention to.

10) Your gut feeling

At the end of the day, your intuition can be your most powerful tool. If you often feel like people are uncomfortable around you, there’s a good chance that they are.

Trust your gut feeling and use it as a guide to assess your interactions and relationships. It’s not about self-blame, but about understanding and growth.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


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